What sort of treatment does Winston receive?
- He is locked up and hooked up to an electric shocking torturing device that sends pulses threw his body by the turn of a switch that O'Brian has. There are different levels of punishment.
What is O'Brian attempting to teach Winston?
- He is trying to teach him that the party is always right and what they say goes. No matter how ridiculous it may seem.
O'Brian explains how the Inner Party avoids the mistakes of past totalitarian governments. State in your own words what O'Brian means?
- He is referring to that fact that the Inner Party has ways to get themselves out of trouble and from be blamed for their mistakes. The Inner Party rewrites their history and somewhat brain wash their people to prevent up rises.
What effect does the (painless) shock treatment have on Winston?
- It causes forgetfulness. Making him think the way the party wants him too. However, it only last for so long until it wears off.
What questions does Winston ask O'Brian and what are the responses?
- He asks him questions about Julia and what they have done with her. O'Brian then tells him that should is as good as gone. That she has been reconverted to the party.
Map of the Cold War - 1980
13 years ago
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