Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vocab 1

Scop- noun
An Old English bard or poet.
Sinews- noun
Strength; power; resilience:
Spawn- noun
Any person or thing regarded as the offspring of some stock, idea,
Having an extremely bad reputation
Ancient or venerable:
Dark, gloomy, and cheerless
To rid of whatever is impure or undesirable
The making of amends for wrong or injury done
To feel or express sorrow or regret for
An unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the god of the Bible
To crouch, as in fear or shame.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Death of Conchobhar

1) It fits the theme because everyong is Paganism except Conchobhar. It ends with him hear Jesus has been crucified and he goes to seek revenge when the excitment causes his brain to instantly pop out; killing him.

2) He is very cocky and arrogent. He likes attention and showing off his body while he acts like a badass. He cares more about himself then his country.

3)No, because first off his mom slept with a man to make him king and then he bribed poeple so that he could stay king. He is far too involved with himself.

4) No one is trust worthy and there is no loyalty to there countries

5) A former important warrior who was killed in battle. It was believed that his brain would be the one to seek revenge.

6) He gets women to get his attention and distract him. Pretending to wanna check him out. calling him over.