Tuesday, November 2, 2010


One theme in Hrolf Kraki is that of the revenge between King Helgi and Queen Olof. As King Helgi discovers he would like to marry Queen Olof and as he goes to marry her he ends up getting far too drunk and makes himself look stupid and he is shaved, tarred and feathered while everyone laughs. He is then stuffed into a sack and sent back home. He then sent back out to her. He dressed as a beggar and asked her to follow him into the woods to find and claim some tressure. Where he then raped her and went back home. She ended up having his child, a daughter named Yrsa. However King Helgi never knew he had a daughter nor did he ever see her. time passed. King Helgi again went to see Queen Olof, where she then tricked him by dressing her seductively and she got his a attention and she happily went back with King Helgi where they then had a kid of there own. Fueled with rage, Queen Olof went to King Helgi's place and told Yrsa of that he was actually her father and she returned back with Queen Olof. Which plessed her greatly that she finaly got back him and that he was now alone.


Halfdan - King of Denmark gets killed by Frodi and has two sons who grow up to be great.
Frodi - king at the beginning of the book, Takes away Denmark from his brother
Helgi - son of Halfdan, hides for the first part of his life, then becomes a king and sleeps with Olof who wants revenge and so gets him to marry his daughter. Then after that he has a kid with an elf and doesn’t hold up to his end of the bargain so may be cursed.
Hroar - son of Halfdan, hides with Vifil, then hides with Jarl Saevil and Signy, kills Frodi, marries Ogn, gets ring from Helgi, cuts off Hrok's feet after he throws the ring, killed by Hrok.
Signy - The wife of Jarl Saevil, recognizes Helgi and Hroar
Regin - Hides Hroar and Helgi and helps them burn the man trying to kill them.
Vifil - Warlock who hides Helgi and Hroar and helps them escape.
Olof - Queen of Saxland, she tricks Helgi and gets revenge for him pretty much raping her.
Yrsa - Hroar’s daughter who he marries and hads a kid with.
Hrok - son of Saevil and Signy, wants the ring from Helgi, tries to get the ring from Hroar but he can’t have it so he throws it into the ocean.
Adils - King of Sweden who kills Helgi and marries Yrsa
Skuld - Helgi's half-elf daughter, she is slightly evil.
Svipdag - Great warrior who joins Hrolf after being kind of betrayed by Helgi.
Svip - father of Svipdag, Beygad, and Hvitserk, has a dream and sends the brothers to help Svipdag.
Bjalki - one of Hrolf's men.
Bera - Falls for Bjorn and has three kids with him. They all have animal parts but they are fierce warriors.
Bjorn - son of Hring, falls for Bera and gets turned into a bear by an evil sorcerer Hvitt. Killed by some men after getting Bera pregnant.
Bodvar Bjarki - Normal looking son of Bera
Drifa - daughter of Hrolf.
Elk-Frodi - Half Elk doesn’t like his inheritance so he leaves his family and becomes an outlaw.
Hjalti/ Hott- once was the weakling of group until he supposedly kills the dragon.
Hjorvard - marries Skuld.
Hring - King of Norway, father of Bjorn, marries Hvit.
Hvit - Forced to marry Hring but is not happy about that. So she tries to tempt Bjorn but he rejects her and she turns him into a bear.
Skuld - Helgi's half-elf daughter, she is slightly evil.
Yrsa - Hroar’s daughter who he marries and hads a kid with.

Friday, October 8, 2010

part 3 Q's

1) no, because part of being a good king is setting up his army and letting them do their job. but in the end he is more concerned about giving his last battle that he doesn't let them do there job or at least give them a chance. second, you can tell by how his army ran off that he isn't a good king. third, because once again when he is dying that he mainlt just wants his story to go on.
2) Beowulf last battle, because it shows him for who he really is.
3) The rise and fall of Beowulf and how he comes to be. how with great power comes great responsibility and how if you cannot handle what your downfall could be.
4) Beowulf's last battle and his inability to actually be a king.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

vocab words 2

no longer in general use; fallen into disuse
lacking in or hostile to culture.
taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
Officious–adjective 1. objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice;
to read through with thoroughness or care: to peruse a report.
to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery
Morose –adjective
or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood

vocab sentences 2

Most of the food and/or drink at the market is obsolete.
There are starving kids in third world countries where food is paucity, leaving them starving.
Mickey tends to be philistine towards the refs and/or players.
While disabling bombs, the LAPD bomb squad tends to be very meticulous.
The officious women insisted that she did my job and that i don't do it right.
The lawyer was highly peruse when signing his clients plea bargain.
The ladies panthers could have used some mitigate yesterday in their game.
The priest perfidy by going out to the bar.
The womens ping pong team was morose when they lost the title match between their rival team, the childrens ping pong team.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

manawydan son of llyer

in the story manawydan marries a women without permission. there fore a magic mist comes in and causes all the animals and humans vanish. he, Pryderi and Cigfa are all who are left. and they remain there for quite sometime until they decide to leave.theyu survive by huinting at first until they go to england and become saddle makers. but then the other makers can't keep up. so they run them out of town. they then start making shields and then shoes. each time being run out of town my merchants who's bussiness can not keep up. so going back to hunting they chase a pig to a

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

vocab sentences

Skagway doesn’t have a scop nor have I met one.
Hopefully the starting five from Klawocks ball teams sinews snap, so that they can not play.
My dog is the spawn of Satan.
Klawock is infamous for being one of the most sketchy towns in the region.
Although he is not, sometimes i like to make fun of my dad by calling him hoary.
Dyea use to be a beautiful place, but right after the flood it was murky.
I wish i could purge some kids from our school.
The warriors made reparation therefore they didn't go to war.
I felt lament for the little boy when he dropped his ice cream.
I would be considered to be heathen.
It would be really embarrassing to be caught cowering it the heat of battle.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vocab 1

Scop- noun
An Old English bard or poet.
Sinews- noun
Strength; power; resilience:
Spawn- noun
Any person or thing regarded as the offspring of some stock, idea,
Having an extremely bad reputation
Ancient or venerable:
Dark, gloomy, and cheerless
To rid of whatever is impure or undesirable
The making of amends for wrong or injury done
To feel or express sorrow or regret for
An unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the god of the Bible
To crouch, as in fear or shame.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Death of Conchobhar

1) It fits the theme because everyong is Paganism except Conchobhar. It ends with him hear Jesus has been crucified and he goes to seek revenge when the excitment causes his brain to instantly pop out; killing him.

2) He is very cocky and arrogent. He likes attention and showing off his body while he acts like a badass. He cares more about himself then his country.

3)No, because first off his mom slept with a man to make him king and then he bribed poeple so that he could stay king. He is far too involved with himself.

4) No one is trust worthy and there is no loyalty to there countries

5) A former important warrior who was killed in battle. It was believed that his brain would be the one to seek revenge.

6) He gets women to get his attention and distract him. Pretending to wanna check him out. calling him over.